dude stop Archives - Polyamory Geek https://polyamorygeek.com/tag/dude-stop/ Blog ~ Merch Wed, 01 Apr 2020 00:15:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/polyamorygeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/cropped-glasses.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 dude stop Archives - Polyamory Geek https://polyamorygeek.com/tag/dude-stop/ 32 32 183556367 No, She Doesn’t Want to See Your Dick https://polyamorygeek.com/2020/03/31/no-she-doesnt-want-to-see-your-dick/ https://polyamorygeek.com/2020/03/31/no-she-doesnt-want-to-see-your-dick/#comments Wed, 01 Apr 2020 00:15:08 +0000 http://omgpolyamory.com/?p=168 When you’re in the world of polyamory for a handful of years and spend time on various forums, you start to see the same conversations over and over.  Hard topics hashed out with no clear winners. One of the debates I see pretty consistently starts with a post like this: This triggers a back and […]

The post No, She Doesn’t Want to See Your Dick appeared first on Polyamory Geek.

When you’re in the world of polyamory for a handful of years and spend time on various forums, you start to see the same conversations over and over.  Hard topics hashed out with no clear winners. One of the debates I see pretty consistently starts with a post like this:

This triggers a back and forth about who has it worse in the dating world, men or women. I stumbled across a post like that about 6 weeks ago and posted something on my Facebook page to the effect of “They both have their own struggles so it shouldn’t even be a debate.”  The amazing women in my life let me know that I was only half right. I was right in that it shouldn’t even be a debate. The part I was wrong about is the word struggle. See, struggle underplays what they have to deal with. If a woman walks down the street and someone says to her “Wanna Fuck?” Do we say she struggled? No. We say she was harassed.  

I try really hard to listen to the people in my life, especially when it’s coming from multiple sources.  In summary, my friends collectively told me that I couldn’t even comprehend how bad it can be for women and I shouldn’t talk about things I don’t know about (in a gentle but firm way).  If you know me at all, you know that I try really hard to understand different perspectives in the world. I took a deep breath, collected my crumbled ego and opened my mind to what they were saying.  When I did that, something started to shift as I was on dating sites. I started reading dating profiles differently. While I always noticed women would put things in their profile like “No, I don’t want to see your dick so don’t ask.” it carried a different weight now.  I started noticing how consistent of a message that was across the board. So many of women’s profiles are filled with verbiage trying desperately to help us guys connect with them. How sad is it that women have to put things on their profile to literally beg for basic human decency?

A week after my initial post where I got set straight, I posted something on my Facebook saying I wanted to learn more about this. I asked for people’s stories and screenshots if they were comfortable sharing them.  I received ssssoooooo many. Way more than I could have even imagined. I know everyone will have a different experience on dating sites and this may not be everyone’s experience but just the fact that I got so much feedback about these interactions told me that this was a systemic problem.

Just for argument’s sake, let’s take the blatant harassment that women receive off the table for a minute.  Let’s address the issue with men perceiving the women’s experience on dating sites as being easier because they get more attention. Good news guys, I did the work for you.  I had a friend who messaged me and proposed I use their pictures to make a profile on OK Cupid (Thank you for that!). I thought “Ooooohhhhh, an experiment! Fun! I’m going to learn so much!” And so Jess was born. An attractive, alternative looking female in the Greenville, SC area that likes board games.  I made the profile pretty neutral and didn’t say anything sexual at all. I put enough to not look spammy but not so much it would discourage people from reading my profile. Making a fake profile already caused me some personal moral dilemmas but I promised myself I wouldn’t “Like ” anyone’s profile or interact with anybody as to not give someone false hope.  I fully understand that this will limit my experience and what kind of data I could collect but I was ready to at least scratch the surface. I started a running journal where I would take notes every time I checked in on there. I was eager to see what happened so I created the profile and then hopped back on a couple of hours later. This was my first journal entry:

Just a couple of hours in and 99+ likes and 26 intros.   Not even 1 message that seemed remotely thought out or like it wasn’t copied and pasted.  Most were “Hey Sexy” or “Hey Baby” or “Damn you sexy” and sometimes people couldn’t even be bothered to put more than one word.  I’d literally just get a “sexy” and nothing else. It made me feel like I was walking down the streets of New York and just being cat called by a bunch of random guys.  It didn’t feel good and I’m already not looking forward to this.”

About 6.5 hours later and the numbers had tripled. I logged in and had a similar experience to the one I did before.  I didn’t even bother screen-shotting because there was so much redundancy. I couldn’t click on the profiles and pass them fast enough.  

Here’s some sreenshots from day 1:

I found myself getting excited when I saw somebody would write something more than “Hey baby wud”. At one point in my experiment, I got an intro message that actually had some length! I was so excited and thought “Maybe this will be the exception!” :

Nope.  I was wrong  I remember just scratching my head wondering where on my profile I would have indicated that I needed to be pleased in every way.  

I will say that a very small percentage of people seemed to have at least read the profile to some degree.  It was the exception and not the rule. Even then, they might only go as far as asking me my favorite board games.  Those interactions were grossly outnumbered, though. 

Since I did limit myself to only one dating app and didn’t interact with anyone, nobody would have had much of an opportunity to send me unsolicited pictures or make sexual advances.  Regardless of that, a lot of messages had undertones that indicated they could have quickly gone that direction.  

So it’s about a week later into my experiment and I’m in the 1500’s of profile likes and have combed at least 200 intro messages.  At this point, I just can’t even be bothered and I dread having to sign into Jess’s profile. I’m anxious to get back to my own dating profile where it’s nice and quiet.  My own personal dating profile started to feel like a safe space where I can be patient and wait for quality interactions instead of having to comb through so much garbage.  With that simple exercise, I can unequivocally say that it’s not even comparable. Being Jess took substantially more work and I wasn’t even messaging anybody! 

The whole experience made me think of this analogy: Imagine you’re checking out a brochure for a cruise.  You’re reading the brochure and it says men only get to eat once every 2 days but get a large satisfying 6 course meal.  Women can eat whenever they want but only have access to uncooked whale carcass. Would you, a guy, think “Those women are so lucky! They can eat all the food they want!”? Of course you wouldn’t.  Hopefully you’d opt for a better cruise option but I think you get the gist. More isn’t always better!

So I could probably end this blog post here.  I mean… point made. Women have it way worse than men.  I know that if I had a bunch of girls sending me those kinds of messages I would feel reduced to nothing more than just a bag of meat and bones.  I’ve never once felt objectified on my normal dating profile as a cis man in the 5+ years I’ve been on and off various dating profiles. It didn’t even take me 2 hours to get objectified 20+ times as a female.  Unfortunately, it gets worse for women than my little silly experiment. I would be so completely remiss to finish this blog without talking about the real problem women face every single day. Harassment. Harassment in all forms.  Dodging social media blocks, dick pics, sexual advances and even stalking. I even had a friend share a story and a screenshot with me about how a guy messaged her discussing pedophelia and incest with his underage daughter. Yes, she reported him but sadly I’m sure nothing was done.

I’ve felt many emotions through this process.  A lot of times I’ve felt anger when I saw screenshots.  I’ve felt confused and found myself just wondering why people would say the things they do.  However, there’s a predominant emotion when I’m talking to my friends and hearing their stories: I feel sad.  I feel sad that society separates digital harassment from in-person harassment. I feel sad that my friends have become complacent just to cope.  I felt sad just the other night when I received this message from a new internet friend I was getting to know: 

The fact that this even had to be something someone said to me really bummed me out.  A month ago, I don’t think it would have impacted me the same way that it did.

I understand it probably takes a lot of energy to fight this monstrosity of a problem.  It’s easier to just block people or just forgo dating sites all together as some of my friends have done.  I really wish I had a simple solution to stop this. I know states like Texas have started criminalizing unsolicited dick pics.  It’s a step in the right direction but it’s not enough. I’ve noticed that more of my friends are putting these guys on blast on social media.  It’s a very brave thing for them to do but it’s a risk that not everyone is comfortable taking. The bottom line is that there has to be more consequences for harassing behavior. I wish the companies hosting the various platforms for communication invested in a way to tackle this problem better.  These men are acting under the guise of free speech. 

Before I conclude this blog post, I want you to go through these screenshots and see what the women in our life are getting on a daily basis.

For the record, this isn’t even all of them. Not even half.  Many of them were full length conversations. Some of them had the harasser defending the harassment.  I hope this post and the screenshots are enough to make a point that it’s really hard out there for women.  So guys, let’s do better. Let’s REALLY listen when the women in our life talk about how hard it can be for them out there.  They aren’t exaggerating and they aren’t “lucky” to be getting so much attention. If you’re reading this and you could be one of these guys in these screenshots then please stop.  Not because you’re giving other guys a bad name, but you’re actually harassing the human beings at the other end of those messages. Before you message a stranger something or send a picture, ask yourself if you would walk up to them in a grocery store and say what you’re about to say.  If the answer is no, then don’t send that message.  

The post No, She Doesn’t Want to See Your Dick appeared first on Polyamory Geek.

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Why I’m Not Down With The OPP https://polyamorygeek.com/2020/03/27/why-im-not-down-with-the-opp/ https://polyamorygeek.com/2020/03/27/why-im-not-down-with-the-opp/#respond Fri, 27 Mar 2020 23:49:21 +0000 http://omgpolyamory.com/?p=156 I’m not talking about the same OPP from the 90’s song by Naughty by Nature.  I’m talking about something different. It’s something that plagues the polyamory community and is widely seen as unethical. The OPP I’m not down with is the One Penis Policy. If you want to see how this policy can cause problems […]

The post Why I’m Not Down With The OPP appeared first on Polyamory Geek.

I’m not talking about the same OPP from the 90’s song by Naughty by Nature.  I’m talking about something different. It’s something that plagues the polyamory community and is widely seen as unethical. The OPP I’m not down with is the One Penis Policy. If you want to see how this policy can cause problems in your polyamory relationship then I encourage you to read this with an open mind.

A couple of quick disclaimers:  

  • I can only talk about an OPP in the context of polyamory.  I know this can be included in some contracts in BDSM and I can’t say if it’s good or bad because I don’t have experience with that.
  • I acknowledge and have personally known people with A One Pussy Policy so I can say it’s not exclusive to penises.  The truth is that there’s many different configurations of relationships and genders that can suffer from this. The issue is not unique to hetero-normative folks.  With that said, I’m going to talk about it in the context of One Penis Policy in a hetero-normative capacity for clarity.

What it is:

The One Penis Policy (OPP) is when the owner of a penis doesn’t allow their partners to date or have sex with other people that also have a penis. Most often, the rule doesn’t apply to them and they can date people regardless of that person’s genitals. Sometimes this is done blatantly but many times it’s done passively (e.g. the person with the OPP might be way less supportive of their partner having a relationship with someone with a penis).

How it starts:

Obviously, everyone’s story is a little different.  Let’s just look at a pretty typical tale of how one might find themselves with an OPP.  We are going to use the fictional characters Jane and John.

  1. Jane is in a long term relationship with John.
  2. Jane craves an intimate connection with a woman.
  3. Jane tells John about this desire.
  4. John says they are ok with Jane exploring it as long as Jane only sticks to women.
  5. Jane is grateful for the flexibility of their current partner and agrees to that stipulation. 

How it goes:

  1. Jane starts exploring connections with women.
  2. Despite her efforts in trying to connect with another woman, Jane accidentally connects with someone that has a penis.
  3. Jane is human and wants exactly what she can’t have.
  4. Jane confronts John and tells him they are starting to get feelings for someone that has a penis.

What Happens:

  1. John is upset and frustrated that Jane started getting feelings for someone with a penis.
  2. Jane starts to resent John because Jane doesn’t understand why genitals matter.
  3. John says genitals don’t matter and he is upset Jane changed the rules.
  4. Jane calls B.S. and Jane is right. Jane did still break the rules, though.

What’s Really Happening:

John is insecure. He doesn’t feel safe and he feels threatened by Jane dating someone with a penis. Insecurity isn’t a good feeling and John thinks Jane is trying to destroy their relationship. The reality is that Jane wants nothing more than to keep John in her life while inviting more love into her heart. John’s primal brain overshadows all reason and he thinks Jane will find a better penis and then leave him.  When in reality, her love for him extends way past his dangly bits. 

For John:

Let’s look at this objectively and strip away all the insecurities.  By having an OPP, what you’re saying is that you think your penis is the deciding factor in Jane’s love for you.  Is your penis really that special? No offense but it’s probably not. Jane can go to a store and buy a penis off the shelf.  If you break down the human body and just think of it as a bunch of tiny atoms pieced together, does it really matter how those atoms are formed?  Are you only dating Jane because of how her atoms are formed on a structural level? Hopefully that’s not the only reason. Sure, the atoms that create Jane’s body, face and genitals make up a certain geometry that your brain processes as attractive. However, don’t you really love Jane because of the person she is?  I know it’s hard and scary and you probably have some work to do. Trust me when I say you should do the work to be comfortable accepting Jane’s relationship regardless of her partner’s genitals . You will both benefit in the long haul and you’ll be happy you did the hard work. 

Just try to remember this: One of the most loving ways to love someone is to let the person you love be free to love who they want to love.

For Jane:

I hope you learned your lesson.  Don’t agree to stipulations that put boundaries on your capacity to love.  At the end of the day, you still broke an agreement. You will have to take some responsibility for that.  You’re going to have to learn to say no to things that you can’t fully 100% commit to.

In Conclusion:

If Polyamory is about loving and respecting someone enough to not keep them from sharing their heart with others then the OPP is just a big F-U to that. Not to mention that it’s a breeding ground for resentment, which is one of the 3 invasive species in the relationship ecosystem. This is why I’m not down with the OPP and you shouldn’t be either.

The post Why I’m Not Down With The OPP appeared first on Polyamory Geek.

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